Episode 1: Am I Qualified to Change the Narrative

Holy shit! It’s episode 1! 

We have officially launched! Before I introduce my first guest I want to go ahead and just say this has been the hardest labor of love I have experienced. Imposter syndrome kicked my ass for several months before I could even begin to record these episodes. So big shout out to my friends and mentors who kept me going! 

I am personally so excited for my first guest. She is an amazing writer, singer, and activist! I am beyond honored to have come across this beautiful soul three almost four years ago, and we just kept running into each other. I finally stopped silently following her on social and spoke real words to her, and it has been one of the best things I’ve done. 

Let me introduce you to Stephanie Drenka. Founder and Editor in Chief of Visible Magazine, a magazine elevating the voices and work of those from underrepresented communities whose voices are often overlooked by traditional media outlets, and Communications Director for Dallas Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation, an organization that is a community-driven vehicle for change to transform the community and eventually the country. 

Hearing all these accolades and accomplishments you are probably wondering why Stephanie is a guest on a podcast about imposter syndrome. But that’s the thing everyone faces imposter syndrome. So, let’s dig in and find out how she turned her no into a hell yes! 

Cathryn McClellan

I’m your host, Cathryn Kelly, frequent asker of the question am I qualified to do this, including as I produce this podcast. I am a serial over committer, a lover of furry animals, an opinionated fighter for justice and equity, and the definition of an awkward Black girl.  Throughout these episodes, I hope my guests and I help you turn whatever your answer is to the question into a hell yes!


Am I Qualified to Lead?


7 Days till Luanch! So welcome to Am I Qualified To Do This?